Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Public Transportation Etiquette


Public Transportation Etiquette
Anyone who lives in a big city has to deal with public transportation, so make it the most positive experience possible by showing good manners – even when others don’t. There is no point in mirroring bad behaviour. Try to remember that when someone else is rude, you probably won’t have to see that person again after you get off the train or bus, so there is no point in making things worse with confrontation.
Passenger Traffic
Follow basic traffic rules by staying to the right side as much as possible. This includes hallways, stairwells, and other areas where there is a constant flow of foot traffic. If you must pass someone, try to do it on the left, as you would in a car.
Transportation Fare
Have your fare ready before you board public transportation. No one wants to wait for you to dig through your pockets or handbag for the correct change. If you can’t find it quickly, let others board first. Next time you’ll be more prepared.
Get out of the Way
When you board a bus or train during rush hour, get out of the way so others can board behind you. Blocking others can create a logjam, anger others, and maybe even cause injury. If you are traveling during “off” hours, give other passengers as much personal space as you can without being awkward.
Getting off may be difficult if you have been pushed to the back or centre of the train or bus because you’ll have to squeeze past everyone who boarded after you. Once you get close to your destination on a train, start moving toward the exit so it won’t be so difficult. Most people understand what you are doing, and they’ll let you by. In larger cities, it is acceptable to holler that you are getting off a bus so the driver won’t continue forward.
If you are close to the door, and someone else is trying to disembark, move to the side and let him or her by. You might even have to temporarily step off the bus or train, but do it quickly so it doesn’t leave without you.
Be a Lady or Gentleman
Always show good manners while riding public transportation. Showing lady-like or gentlemanly behaviour shouldn’t be reserved for office and home. When you see someone struggling with mobility, stand up and let the person have your seat, offer assistance, and get out of the way if necessary. An older person, pregnant woman, or disabled person has just as much right to respect on public transportation as you.

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