President François Hollande named the Paris attacks an “’Act of war’ by ISIS”
France launched airstrikes against Isis targets in Syria on Sunday night, with jets bombing the Islamist terror group's stronghold of Raqqa.
In Response to the ISIS attack France launched airstrikes against Isis in Syria on Sunday night, bombing the Islamist terror group’s strong hold on Raqqa.
Speaking in Antalya at the G-20 summit, Laurent Fabius, French foreign minister, said: "France has always said that because she has been threatened and attacked by Isis, it would be normal that she reacts in the framework of self defense. It would be normal to take action. That's what we did with the strikes on Raqqa, which is their headquarter. We cannot let Isis act without reacting."
According to the French ministry, 12 aircraft had taken part in raids on a command center, munitions depot and training camp in Raqqa. The strikes were launched in co-ordination with U.S. forces.
Ben Rhodes, the U.S. deputy national security adviser, said he was confident that in "coming days and weeks" the US and France would "intensify our strikes against Isis… To make clear there is no safe haven for these terrorists".
An Anti-terrorism raid is currently going on in France as the victims continue to mourn their lost beloved. The family, friends and acquaintances of the suicide bombers and killers are being captured and held in custody where they will be questioned to know their involvement before being punished or released; depending on the results.
This act of terrorism has complicated things for the innocent refugees who are also victims of the Islamic state. As European Countries have begun to tighten its borders preventing the influx of immigrants which is suspected to be harboring the Isis Jihadists.
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